Anglican Church Women


Diocesan ACW disestablished - Local ACWs encouraged to continue in parishes
submitted by Edith Maddaford, Past President

At the 55th gathering of the Diocesan ACW on April 20, 2024, members of the executive, who had given notice at the last gathering in 2019, stepped down. There were no nominations or volunteers to take over the executive positions. After group discussions, a motion to disestablish Diocese of Qu’Appelle Diocesan ACW was made and carried.

Our theme was “Challenges Change Us” and that it did! Even though the Diocesan ACW was disestablished, each church can still carry on with their ACW. It is the desire of the group to keep in touch with our sisters in Christ/Anglican women and also our National Organization. As a result, Anglican Prayer Warriors (APW) was formed with Linda Kapasky as the Prayer Group Coordinator. Her contact information is: cell - (306) 661-9260; email: [email protected]. More details will follow as to how this will work/be presented/proceed.

With the desire of the group to keep in contact with all Anglican women from time to time on a zoom gathering, Archdeacon Catherine will be the contact and organizer of the zoom. It was also decided that if a group wished to hold a women’s gathering such as was held in Maple Creek on April 20th, that center, (ie: Swift Current, Regina etc.) would organize it and inform the rest of the Diocese of Qu’Appelle.