We are a caring community rooted in the word, living our faith, and sharing God’s love. You are most welcome here. We hope that you will find St. Aidan to be a place to rest, pray, and belong. 124 1st Ave., N.E., Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 0Y8 306-694-5445 [email protected] The Rev. Deacon Arleen Champion Regional Dean for Moose Jaw Deanery, Deacon [email protected] The Rev. Dr. Cal Macfarlane Priest Churches Powered by Sign in / Register Meet the Diocese Diocesan LeadershipAbout the DioceseHistory of Qu'AppelleSt. Paul's CathedralOur Anglican FaithCamp HardingQu'Appelle House Care Home Ministry Diocesan Prayer Shawl MinistryIndigenous MinistryAnglican Church WomenEcumenicalAnglican Fellowship of PrayerRefugee SponsorshipDiaconateCompanion DiocesesThe Halo Project GivingStewardship Works! Qu'Appelle School AboutUpcoming CoursesLicentiate in TheologyCourse Offerings What's happening NewsTell us a StoryEventsJob Postings Churches & Clergy Find a churchFind a clergypersonArchdeaconries Resources Anglican Foundation of CanadaRecords ManagementFinanceDiocesan Canons and RegulationsCycle of PrayerSaskatchewan AnglicanSafe ChurchDiocesan ArchivesStewardship Works! DonateContact