Mass Times: Sunday 10:00 - 11:30 am. Wednesday 9:30 - 10:30 am. Requiem Eucharist: First Saturday of each month 10:00 - 11:00 am. 1861 McIntyre Street, Regina, SK, Canada 306-522-6439 [email protected] The Rev. Deacon Susan Haacke Deacon The Very Rev. Mike Sinclair Dean of Diocese of Qu'Appelle, Priest [email protected] (306) 522-6439 The Rev. Ed Dunfield Priest Churches Powered by Sign in / Register Our Diocese Diocesan LeadershipChurches & ClergySt. Paul's CathedralSynod 2025Land acknowledgementAbout the DioceseHistory of Qu'AppelleQu'Appelle House Care Home News NewsEventsJob PostingsTell us a Story Ministries Refugee SponsorshipIndigenous MinistryCamp HardingCompanion DiocesesEcumenicalDiocesan Prayer Shawl MinistryAnglican Church Women Qu'Appelle School AboutUpcoming CoursesLicentiate in TheologyCourse Offerings Resources Stewardship Works!FinanceDiocesan Prayer DiarySafe ChurchDiocesan Canons and RegulationsSaskatchewan AnglicanDiocesan ArchivesNational Church links and resourcesAnglican Foundation of Canada DonateContact