UPDATE: The CONSECRATION will take place on SATURDAY, THE JANUARY 22, 2022 beginning at 2:00 pm. You are cordially invited to join this CELEBRATION ONLINE at the following link:
Please note that due to covid restrictions, the in-person gathering is strictly limited to those involved in the consecration celebration.
At the electoral synod held in the Cathedral on October 16, 2021, the Venerable Helen Kennedy, Archdeacon of St. John in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land and incumbent of St. George (Transcona) in Winnipeg, was elected as thirteenth Bishop of Qu’Appelle. She will make history as the first woman Anglican bishop in the Province of Saskatchewan.
Bishop-Elect Kennedy is to be ordained to the episcopate at St. Paul’s Cathedral on Saturday, January 22, 2022, with the Most Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson, Archbishop of Calgary and Metropolitan of Rupert’s Land, presiding. In light of ongoing concerns related to gatherings, details of the consecration, installation, and celebration have not been finalized. More information will be circulated as plans develop.
Bishop-Elect Kennedy shares these comments:
Hello to the Diocese of Qu’Appelle!
Now that my feet have touched the ground, I realize that I am at a full-tilt gallop. There is so much to learn, so much to read, so much to hear about, and so much to do! I am very excited for this new phase of ministry for me and also for possibilities God is preparing for the Diocese. Together, I hope we can share in the joys of the journey in this shared life in Christ. I know there will also be frustrations and challenges, which I trust we can call on the grace of God to help us navigate.
I send my warmest greetings and look forward to being with you, worshipping with you and serving your neighbourhoods together.
Many blessings to you all in your ministries.